Counting the Pennies!
Coffee, or confidence?
Hello! Larking about at home, as you do and it dawned on me that I'd not blogged for a while. Still in shock getting Quarter-Finalist for Page, I decided it was time I looked into the old accounts and what came to mind for today's topic but Film Festivals.
Now, although I don't mind arithmetic, I'm a words girl. I'd rather be sat with a coffee, or giant tea mug with biscuit(s) than go anywhere near a calculator. I tallied this in my head, so if you've any query, you'll know why! Anyway, sat with my tongue to one side, I did a rough estimate of my Film Festival spend over two years from end of July to end of July, as I thought it might help people get an idea of average Film Festival costs. Yes, I know it's uncouth to talk about cold, hard cash but someone has to, or new writers won't have a clue of what they are getting into.
Since I started submitting to large and small festivals, this includes the likes of; Nashville, Page, Scriptpipeline and Queen Palm, (with a chunk to go), I'm on about a 35% win average, with 57 selections, semi-finalist, finalist and award wins and have spent about £1120, or £560 each year. It works out at about £45/46 a month. So, just over a tenner a week, or equivalent to three drinks at 'Costa' or a £2 a day sandwich on work days.
Factoring in those festivals I didn't get through on and wins together - with about forty odd festivals still to be drawn - it means each festival win has cost me about £19.70, (worked from £1120 divided by 57 selections), if I were to get through on the others still to be drawn, each festival win would cost less as I divide what I spent by a larger number.
I tend to use all the deal discounts on sites and only submit to big ones with Birthday and Christmas money. So, if you're new to festivals remember to check out the Early Bird and Discount sections first.
Anyway, I thought this might be of interest to show the amount stacks up. You have to decide is paying about £20 for a confidence boost worth it and will it help your writing career down the line?
My first Finalist place got me the confidence and interest in my first wee short. Another nomination got me interest in another. So, it's about stacking up what you gain against the initial outlay you spend. Film Festivals can be a crap shoot. The older and established ones; Academy Nicholls, Page, Bluecat, Screencraft, Big Break and so forth cost more but have more kudos. In saying that, if you just want to know an idea has legs, it's worth trying it on a cheaper competition first and seeing where it goes but always, always have a beta-reader read what you've done before you submit.
There's no point in sending a script out that you've read over and over where you can't spot mistakes anymore. There are lots of friendly writers on-line. Grab one, offer to swap script, buy them a coffee... if you're inclined, cake (always cake) and create a network. Then send off to festival and you've more chance of your script being cleaner and at least placing.
Placing in festivals is a confidence boost and the added bonus is, it encourages you to write more but it's like washing your hair, you need to do it a couple of times to get the soap out and you need to do the same with a script. Go over it with a fine comb, check it again and again before you present it to other people.
To sum up, would you rather have three coffees, or a festival laurel?
For me, it's a no brainer, I like the confidence boost and I've teabags in the cupboard!