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The Matter of Christmas

Since the old blog is tottering on the rusty side – namely, wilting in the attic, whilst the Christmas tree’s resurrected – I thought I’d rustle up something merry and bright for a dull December day. It got me to thinking whom might be in the Christmas spirit and I thought Bizet. (Since Leitchy and Pully are possibly on the Christmas spirit.)

Who are these strangely named elves you may ask?

‘Elves’, I say. ‘No. No. They’re not elves, for these folks give a gift all year round. They are writers, my friend writers, feeding the mind the literary equivalent of turkey with all the trimmings and a nice twist of pudding to finish.

And I do so love pudding!

Having been blessed with an early Christmas reading of all three authors, I thought I’d sneak out from the wrapping and rustle one of them into sharing not only the Christmas spirit but a bit about writing to help us mortals and jolly your holiday all the way from the 25th to the New Year.

Carmen ran the slowest. Who knew!

So Carmen, what inspired you to write ‘A Matter of Love and Death’? (This is written under the pseudonym Caron Albright.)

I’m fascinated by; the Jazz Age, Great Depression, The Great Gatsby, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Cabaret and so forth. A wild mix but I love the decadence, craving for excitement and tight net mix of community surviving the worst of times.

What I didn’t know originally was how badly the Great Depression affected 1930’s Australia. When I first read about it, I did some digging and discovered that prohibition only set in after 6pm (like in Great Britain) but that food dole and employment rules made some jobs illegal for women. I was ignited and knew I had discovered a subject I wanted to explore.

What are your aspirations for the Adelaide based book?

I hope that readers are willing to dive into a little known setting and put up with cosy mystery and subtle romance.

I love the characters with their middle-class respectability, from artists to ‘decent’ law-breakers.

In my wildest dreams I’ve seen them on TV in a series that sees my heroes transplanted to Europe and sleuthing to their hearts content.

Are you feeling; Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy… hang on, those aren’t elf names, are they?

I’m feeling Dizzy and Delusional if those are elf names!

(I’m currently Stuffy and Bloaty but that’s a different subject! Ed.)

Which writing tip has helped you the most? And did it include pudding?

The best tip I was ever given was ‘First get it written, then get it right.’ It’s stopped me staring at the screen and tearing my hair out in desperation because what sounds inspired at 3.30am reads like a contender for the worst ever writing by noon.

When you write it’s like dog years on speed, squared, as an hour can last a lifetime. Pudding would have gone done well but I’d probably gobble up advice without digesting it. Chocolate however…

Which genre is your favourite and why?

Historical Fiction, mystery, comedy and fantasy when written by Terry Pratchett, with romance in the vein of Jane Austen with a bit of Rhys Bown and Janet Evanovich thrown in, which may be a leap!

(Well, we all like to aim high, don’t we?)

Who is/was your biggest inspiration?

I’m inspired: by other books and films, science, anything that peaks my interest. As a former journalist it doesn’t take a lot to inspire me about an idea.

So, what or whom would you like to find under the tree at Christmas? And what book would they have with them?

The tenth, or eleventh Doctor with a copy of Bill Bryson’s Short History of Nearly Everything, plus the opportunity to go whenever, or wherever in the book I’d like to explore.

I’d better keep quiet on who might drop in, because some of these gentlemen are spoken for as other writers’ muses.

Well, you heard it here first people. And tha… tha… that’s all folks!

For more information on ‘A Matter of Life and Death’ by Carmen Radtke check out Bombshell Books on Kindle. For ‘Skeletal’ by Emma Pullar check out @bloodhoundbooks. ‘Death in Venice’ by Fiona Leitch is coming soon.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy (and Healthy) New Year!

Keep writing and if anyone’s seen my muse, can you please pass my running shoes because that bugger’s quick!

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