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Speak Out!

Larking about on twitter, low and behold but who should I bump into but Kate Davies Speak, who many of you will know as one of the recent Finalists for Best New Actress.

Since I normally rub shoulders with Igor like writers, hiding in the dark and waiting for the sun to come up, I sidled up and with promises of a bit of sparring... (Okay, okay... Well, I do go there for cake!) convinced the young lass to spare a bit of time to tell us about her award winning series and newest challenge on the horizon.

So, Kate, how did you get cast for your part in 'Horizon' and what drew you to the character and script?

Hiya! Thanks for the question, it’s lovely that you’ve taken an interest in the show!

I was cast in the role of Nicole (Season 1) some time back in 2013 after having worked with Director/Producer Paul Dudbridge during a short film shoot ‘The Levels’. Whilst we were out celebrating the wrap party, Paul discussed the concept of Horizon and my character, Nicole, which he was keen to know if I’d like to play.

I was interested to work in my home town Bristol and especially keen to be part of a sci-fi project. It didn’t take me long to agree to join the team, we then had several cast meet-ups and table-reads to explore the episodes and occasionally, if we has scenes which focussed on two specific characters, we spent a bit longer working in pairs to get the dynamic working well.

I was excited to bring the character of Nicole to life. She’s a funny character, very flawed, dry and selfish but without a doubt she has the biggest arc over the two series. I get to play about with a character that the audience will hate at first, then hopefully grow to love. By season 2 Nicole is every bit the gun toting, heroic action woman I often love to play.

What was the audition like?

I didn’t have to audition for the role but I did spend a lot of time discussing her with the directors to make sure I was playing her the way they intended.

Who was your acting inspiration growing up?

I didn’t really grow up aspiring to be an actor (I wanted to be a cartoonist until I was 18) that’s when I bit the acting bug. I did enjoy movies though, I was always in awe of Ripley in 'Aliens' and Sarah Connor in 'T2', I guess I had a thing for tougher female roles. That’s not really changed now.

What advice would you give to aspiring actors?

It’s important to know that there are the conventional approaches to working in the industry and to learning, however everyone’s story is different. We shouldn’t be afraid to do things a little differently. For example one path is drama school, showcases, agents and work but there’s no harm in gaining experience by working on small films and learning your craft. I think they key is a willingness to learn. Whether it’s books, meetings, classes, observing other actors, I learn a lot by watching other actors work.

My advice for anyone coming into film in particular is that it’s a good idea to try working your way up via short films, student films, indie films, any opportunity to try things out, relax and discover your strengths and weaknesses.

Every time I watch one of my films back I have to do so with a critical eye, I know things I do on screen that I hate and I have to work through it. We need to be our own worst critic. As I had background in mainly theatre and musicals, I really have had to work hard to pull the bigger acting back a bit, if anything, to stop acting and just relax.

One last thing, be supportive of your peers, by helping others the industry is a much nicer place to be and the rewards are huge

What kind of movies would you like to do in future? And do you see web based shows being a threat to TV and cinema?

I am keen to do more series, I enjoyed working for a longer duration with a character that I could get to know over time. I’ve recently shot a very exciting proof of concept trailer for a Netflix series (with an Emmy Award winning film production company). I’d love it if we get to make the pilot, or full series for that, it’s an action, drama and post apocalyptic sci-fi.

I think webshows and platforms such as Netflix are a great step forward and open a lot more doors for indie creatives to get their work seen.

What would be your ideal part?

I’d love to play a role like Ripley in 'Alien', she’s tough, intelligent, forthright, a protector. These are the qualities of the characters I enjoy. I would love to play a detective or police officer, undercover agent in something like Line of Duty, that’s my kind of TV series, I adore the gritty dramas.

My idol in life is Lara Croft, I’d have loved to play her in the films or do the MoCap work for the Games. I enjoy combining physical training with character preparation.

(Bet you can out run me to most things but dinner! - Ed)

What was the worst part you've played and why?

I have had some tough challenges on set, not so much the roles but certainly one or two shoots whereby I was left very physically uncomfortable, often Filming in the cold and dark for long periods of time. I’ve had to overcome a few phobias to Film as well including potholing and abseiling underground, very scary! I enjoyed the films though.

I tend to turn down any roles that I really do not wish to play, usually if they are bad representations, or not very well written, thankfully this doesn’t happen often though.

Have you seen Gemma Arterton's short 'Leading Lady Parts' and would you say it speaks for the industry?

I enjoyed the sketch but it’s quite hard hitting and sadly, very accurate. As I also work in Casting I hope to make sure that the casting process is; fair, clear, approachable and that actors are treated with respect and kindness.

With that I thanked Kate, who ran off, navigated an assault course, fought three armed guerrillas and still managed to beat me back for dinner.

Just as well I hid the cake!

Horizon Season one is available now.

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