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Don't Stink!

The sun's shining, birds a' song, got me poetical for right, or for wrong.

Poetry can be free and easy, lyrical, iambic pentameter but for today, I just wanted fun.

If you want to break away from that novel you're writing, or purely take your head out of your script and try to get the words flowing again you could try poetry. Poetry you say!

Well, why not? I say.

Most of us remember that old poem with 'bum' and 'glum' about the glow-worm, don't we?.

I wish I was a glow-worm

A glow-worm's never glum

Cause how can you be lonely

When the sun shines out your bum.

Poetry encompasses everything from Edward Lear and his 'Owl and the Pussycat' to the Tennyson's and Owen's, Nash's and Plath's. It's often a more vocal kind of narrative and what better thing to toy with on a lovely afternoon.

Actors often use word association, or games like taking things out of an imaginary box, to get ideas stimulating and for me, it seems that poetry can often do the same. If you take your mind off of that scene, or line you are having a problem with, you can get the old grey cells hoping about like new born lambs.

So, here's my little piece for today entitled appropriately, 'Don't Stink'. What can I say!

Don’t Stink!

A fur-covered rattrap sits at my feet Rests on a teenage boy’s coat I’m up on the sofa Feet on a cushion (Not that I’d be one to gloat). The animal snores with the weight of the word And the weight of her sweeties beside While a poor teenage boy With the stench of a run Works out his deodorant died. The moral may be, what I personally think, The coat may be hairy but at least it ‘Don’t’ Stink.

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