Finding it Novel

Hello and Happy New Year one and all! Yes, I'm a bit slow of the mark to crack on with the old blog but you'll excuse me because...
Drumroll, please.
...I finished my first novel.
Yup! Everyone says they've a good book in them and over the last three months something similar to that has itched, clawed and spat its way out of me.
Lots of script-writers say they can't, or don't have time to write a novel. Rubbish! If you want to, you make time.
I bit the bullet and decided that if I did a few pages every couple of days, or even a page a day, over a few months there might actually be something I could potter with. Low and behold, three months later and I'm hatching a plan to edit my debut crime novel 'Drowsy, Sleepy Kisses' which I finished on December 23rd, right before the old fellow was suiting up, herding the reindeer and dreaming of milk and cookies.
Being a glutton for punishment, I decided that if I wanted to milk it too, I may as well go the whole hog and adapt a TV episode for the screen too. So, I wrote an initial episode of what could be a psychological crime drama.
Egged on by the ever supportive Leitchy and Co. I also learned how to use Adobe Spark to make a webpage and wee video to promote it too. It was fun and an education for someone who is not very computer minded.
(You can copy the link from here:
The hard part is sitting back and waiting to see if either of the agents, or publishers I wrote to reply. I used to have the patience of a saint but with the odd year added, my temper gets fraught, so to keep busy and not check e-mail all the time - which I still do a bit - my cunning plan was to write a sequel. So, I'm currently sixty odd pages on from where I started and even puddling with it, it keeps me going nutty waiting.
For me, it was so much easier knowing where I was going at the start, how I planned the ending, writing those and then filling in the information and clues in the middle. It saved me getting bogged down and worrying that I didn't know what was going where.
As the start and finish of the novel defined the characters it helped me get to know them before I was filling in the sections about them too.
Since I've tended to write script it was interesting to not keep things succinct but be more descriptive while trying not to be too 'flowery' either.
Anyway, only time will tell but over all, I found it novel.
Good Luck to you all with your projects for the year and if you've ever wanted to, start that book!
A page now is a book later.
Eileen x