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Holiday Chronicles - Don't be an Asshole!

Did you miss me? If you wondered where I tootled off to I've been marched round the Costa Dorada by my well meaning but significantly taller other half. I may be half an inch shorter but I've new writing fodder and blisters of doom.

What do you mean did I bring you back a present?

Of course! While I was drowning on the Tutuki Splash with puddles in my turn-ups, I sent out an S.O.S to old Howard in Cumbria. She'll do anything for the promise of a teacake!

Over to you, Rachael...

Well, Eileen has bribed me into doing a guest post on her blog. You should have heard the bargaining going on. (Okay, okay! Two boxes and an introduction to Idris. Can't promise but I'll see what I can do.) She wants me to spill the beans on how I got involved with the Anthropocene Chronicles so here goes.

I suppose you are scratching your head thinking what the hell are the Anthropocene Chronicles and how on earth do I even say it. It is pronounced Anthro-po-cene or An-thropo-cene. To be honest it doesn’t really matter. Call it “that thing” if you want. We don’t mind.

The Anthropocene era is “relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment” till now. The Chronicles push this a bit further to a time when humanity has moved underground because the earth's surface has become too toxic.

To survive underground a change in society is needed and sacrifices have to be made. The chronicles look at this changed society through the eyes of eight people, each touching the life of the next. The chronicles will be released soon as two novellas with the plan for a graphic novel and a film to follow. Find out more here and here. (hyperlink and

Right. That’s the background. So how did I get involved? Sssshhh. The big secret. Ready? Networking! OK, stop groaning. Let me explain what I mean by that.

I do NOT mean I went to every writing gathering and pontificated about how wonderful I was and people would be lucky to work with me. That is guaranteed to make people run for the hills.

(Or indeed, Costa Dorada)

What I mean is I made friends. Note that word, friends. They are my friends because I like them and respect them, not because I might get something out of them. That would be mercenary and, to be honest, rather creepy.

Having friends who are writers means you have people who get what you are battling with. They understand your pain at rejections and you feel their delight at successes. You help each other out by giving feedback on work, heads up on opportunities and basically support each other and all pull together for success.

You talk to each other about politics, family and your dreams. If one of you feels like giving up then the others rally round to keep you going.

Now I live in the middle of nowhere. I am disabled so find it hard to get out of the house, let alone travel to a city. How do I manage to contact other writers let alone make friends with them? Ah the wonders of social networking.

Personally, I like Facebook. Writers are out there in the other realms too but this is my favourite. There is a lovely community of writers on FB. You soon find it is a small world and everyone gets to know everyone else very quickly.

There are many virtual writing groups you can join there where we gather and exchange news. OK. Yes we exchange gossip. I love gossip. You can find advice, competitions, courses, feedback and friends. Don’t be nervous. It is a very welcoming community. If you find you are in a group that doesn’t fit your style then just move on to another.

I can recommend Open Doors (, Bang2writers (, Script Advice Writers Room ( and The London Screenwriters Festival Salon ( I would also suggest you attend the festival. Find more about it here. (

Back to the Chronicles. One of my friends, Fiona Leitch, contacted me. Her friend, Saranne Bensusan, had this brilliant idea to write a bunch of connected dystopian stories that would be released as novellas to prove the market for a feature film. However she felt it would be stronger if there were a mix of writers and styles for the stories.

How did she go about finding the writers. She asked Fiona to help her find them. I was sold as soon as I heard Dystopian. Why didn’t she just do a shout out? This is a team project. Saranne needed writers who could work together and weren’t assholes. In effect we were each vouched for by someone who knew us.

(Note to self - Check with Rach I'm not an asshole.)

We are all flat out writing and it has been a wonderful experience. Saranne has written the skeleton for each story but we are able to play with it as long as the beginning and end are consistent and the theme remains.

The arena has evolved as we have all developed ideas, checking with each other and filling in the details. Questions and suggestions have been chucked into the pot and knocked about. Nobody has been precious and the stories are practically writing themselves. We are all enjoying the experience and the team has worked really well.

Right. What I want you all to do now is stop sitting in your freezing attic suffering for your art, get out there physically, or indeed virtually. Make friends, have fun and show you are not an asshole. Get to the London Screenwriting Festival. Look forward to meeting you.

So, there you have it. Check out the links for the Anthropocene Chronicles, off to buy a few extra teacakes and clear my name for posterity.

Rachael lives in the Lake District and this inspires her writing. She loves the dark and dangerous reality of the area rather than the chocolate box illusion. Her style is mostly surreal with a dash of humour. She’s had stories published; radio plays broadcast at the BBC; stage script in hand readings and has a film script in post-production. Find her at

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