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Second Sight!

Who's there? We have a presence amongst us. I'm getting... a dog, a rowing paddle and a one armed man named Gareth?

If like me, the only 'presence' you tend to feel are the ones underneath the Christmas tree - feel free to groan - you'll be wondering what I'm waffling on about second sight for. Well, as a writer having someone else read what you write is vital.

For years, I was either too shy, or not confident enough to say, 'Hello. I wrote this. Will you have a look?'

Yet, if I'd simply conquered the nerves and had a bash, it would have saved me a lot of time and effort.

As a writer, whether you are one of the biggies, or a relative newbie, having someone else read your work to say: (a) I don't get that, (b) that bit's clunky, or (c) cut the twenty three 'just's' and the weird bit about the postman, is super important.

It can be a solitary job when it's only you and the keyboard. (Admittedly, you have a mouse but it's not the best company.) So, asking other writers to be readers for you and doing a swap is crucial to not only your writing but your sanity.

I asked @Bang2Write the other day how many beta, or peer readers was an ideal number for reading your work. She suggested at least three. As this way, if you decide to go down the avenue of hiring a paid script editor to read your piece, at least then it can be at the best point you can make it.

My grammar is usually pretty good but often in my writing, I get so enthusiastic as I know the characters, that I'll scribble a gag to go in and forget I've not introduced the character's name for the joke to work. I'm also guilty of leaving in a line if I find it funny, even if it makes the scene a bit too long. I know in my recent script there's a couple of lines I should really have cut and am sure someone will give me a second opinion, i.e. Chop it, Wilson!

Anyway, that's my little in-sight.

Now, does anyone know a one-armed man named Gareth?


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