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Blogged down!

If you're reading this then you came back! Hello! Nice to see you again.

You must be thinking either; she's keen, or what has she been up to since yesterday. The answer to that is all sorts and no, I wasn't downing sweeties... more of a 'Minstrels' girl, personally.

Anyway, I've written fourteen pages of a new script since I blogged - excuse me - and added a couple to an older one. I don't know how everyone else works but I get the idea for my concept and mull it over for a while, usually as I'm coming to the end of something else. When I think what is there is sound, that's when characters start rummaging through my head, most likely looking for the left over chocolate and trying to find a voice of their own as they do.

Sometimes two projects go side by side. That way, if one lot gets on my nerves, or is too pushy, I swap to the other one. Sometimes an idea comes from out of the blue but it's either too cliched, or there's something lacking that doesn't work. Then, to be able to sit it aside and crack on with something else, often means I can go back with a stronger thread to it, or appreciate it maybe needs to go entirely and be replaced by a new vision instead.

If I get completely 'blogged down', I go for a walk, or to the gym. Often people watching, can give you a tell, or a characteristic you might not have considered for your character. Often it can be as simple a thing as seeing an object that you link in your head to another image and boom, what you want pops up all by itself.

So, if you're writing is bogged down, walk away and come back with a fresh perspective.

Hope that helps, now where are those 'Minstrels'!

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