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Check out theatre writers @JackieDaly and @SarahCassidy.New voices with great things to come.

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Watching was a short monologue that I submitted to APA (Aberdeen Performing Arts) 'Revolution' Scratch-night.

It was chosen as one of seven from over a hundred to be performed in May '17 at 'The Lemon Tree' arts venue.

It was written after I read about the blokes being dragged off in Chechnya simply for being gay.

Like everyone else, I have friends who are gay and wondered how I would feel if I watched that happen, sat back and did nothing.

Normally, it takes blood, sweat and tea for me to write anything.  This, however, was penned in the best part of ten/twenty minutes and came from the heart.

Since I liked it, I entered it to Toronto Comedy Film Festival where it placed Feb'20.

During Lockdown Suki Singh on compiled 'The Lockdown Monologues and 'Watching' is included.  You can check it out here;

It stars Marie Browne, directed by Suki Singh.  Toronto also did a tableread of it which you can view here:

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