Twisted 50 - 2
The Singularity
I submitted seven short stories to 'Create 50' in conjunction with London Screenwriters Festival.
The idea of 'Create 50' is to bring writers together to write and feedback on each others work leading to books of fifty entries a pop.
As writers, you very often write alone and the premise was to, not only raise the bar on the stories submitted by having them critiqued by other writers, but to give writers a wider social circle of contacts too. It was also a learning curve for those who tend to write to a different genre.
A Glasgae Kiss Goodbye was my take on Flash Fiction horror. I wanted to see if I could write a horror story in about fifty words.
Four Walls is a psychological horror. Only trapped in four walls can a man come to terms with himself and his sins.
One of my readers described this as 'dark, raw and poetic', so that's good enough for me!
Deviance is a tale of stalking and abduction but can be read in two different ways, which is it?
Run for It is a sci-fi horror set in a gym. When A.I starts to take over machines, will you watch, or simply 'Run for It'!
Experiment 307 is the tale of a caged being in a laboratory but who are they actually watching, him, or you?
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Freehand is a sci-fi horror set in a spa. When technology rejuvenates the spa and your partner's the programmer, which one should you worry about?
C... Okay still writing this site and have forgotten the name of this one! Doh! Conscious Battle... it takes time but I get there... is an Orwellian style tale of a man fighting technology and conscious.